Sunday, 9 March , 2025


Trump’s Scheme to Carve Up Palestine | by Paul R. Pillar

December 7, 2017 Donald Trump never has given evidence that he has new, fresh, and promising ideas to achieve his declared objective of an Israeli-Palestinian...

Middle East: The unending War

'What We Are Seeing is the Collapse of the Attempt to Destroy Syria' 14.02.2018 Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel would not accept any...

Another Unnecessary War

by Idan Landau February 9, 2018 The writing is already on the wall: Israel will soon launch a military operation in Lebanon. Not a targeted attack...

Israel’s Deepening Involvement with Syria’s Rebels

By Elizabeth Tsurkov February 14, 2018 As it becomes clear that Bashar al-Assad has stabilized his rule over the ruins of Syria, outside powers are stepping...

Putin’s Phone Call to Netanyahu Put an End to Israel’s Strikes...

"The quiet after the Netanyahu-Putin call shows once again who’s the real boss in the Middle East" Feb 13, 2018 Russia's public response to massive Israeli strikes...

Amos Oz, David Grossman, Etgar Keret implore Netanyahu: Do not deport...

'We call on you to act morally, humanely and with compassion worthy of the Jewish people... Otherwise we will have no reason to exist,'...

Warehouses With Israeli-Produced Weapons Discovered in Deir ez-Zor

13.02.2018 MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Syrian government army units have discovered warehouses with weapons and ammunition, including those produced in Israel while patrolling areas in Deir...

Abbas Tells Putin: ‘We Refuse to Cooperate With U.S. in Any...

In a meeting between the Palestinian and Russian presidents in Moscow, Putin assures Abbas that he has spoken with Trump, knows Palestinians want U.S....

With annexation gaffe, Netanyahu blunders into first real crisis with Trump

Not since blaming the mufti for the Holocaust has Netanyahu made such easily refutable claims, and the rare misstep suggests he may be letting...

’54 Palestinians die’ as Israel refuses medical permits

By Farah Najjar Februrary 13.2018 Israel was responsible for at least 54 Palestinian deaths last year as it rejected hundreds of medical permit requests it received from Gaza residents...