Monday, 24 February , 2025


Lyon. Une étudiante voilée humiliée par des militants d’extrême-droite en plein...

Depuis des semaines des étudiants d’extrême droite, dont une partie appartient à La Cocarde ou à l’UNI, mènent une offensive raciste à la fac...

Sold to an ally, lost to an enemy

The US shipped weapons and secrets to the Saudis and Emiratis. Now, some are in the hands of fighters linked to al Qaeda and...

Invitation to participate: The rise of Asia, la Montée de l’...

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATION Online International and Interdisciplinary Conference, February 9-11, 2022 The conference is open to public with registration for free of charge until February 6,...

The Facebook papers – a newsletter from Mother Jones

October 26, 2021 Move aside, Pandora Papers. The Facebook Papers have entered the building. You've likely heard about bits and pieces of these documents over the...

The roots of 9.11 and the “war on terror” – I

A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean...

The Roots of 9.11 and the War on Terror – II

Project for the New American Century The Project for the New American Century (PNAC) was a neoconservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. that focused...

Afghanistan | By Frederick Engels

Written: in July and the first 10 days of August 1857; First published: in The New American Cyclopaedia, Vol. I, 1858; Transcribed: Andy Blunden, 2001; Proofread: and...

Top 3 ways Taliban’s takeover will revive Islamist movements

Farah Adeed discusses the ways in which the Taliban will revive the Islamist movements in Afghanistan now that they are ruling the country again....

Afghanistan: The End of the Occupation

By Jonathan Nancy Aug. 17, 2021 Nancy Lindisfarne and Jonathan Neale write: A lot of nonsense about Afghanistan is being written in Britain and the United States....

A ‘Strategic Apocalypse’ in Afghanistan: A Seismic Shift, Years in the...

By Alastair Crooke Aug. 20, 2021 A huge geo-political event has just occurred in Afghanistan: The implosion of a key western strategy for managing what Mackinder,...