Le Pen, Trump, Corbyn and the prospect of War
by Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*)
Let me begin by expressing my profound and sincere admiration for the political instincts of the Islamic terrorists. They seem to...
The Provocation Just Before the Election
22 April 2017
The first round of the elections in France is being held against the backdrop of an attempt by the state and the...
Steve Bannon Wants To Start World War III
By Micah L. Sifry
Original post date: 8 February 2017
What does Stephen Bannon really believe? Because he hasn’t spoken much in public since becoming, as...
Back to 2001 – Trump makes war against Islam
ISIS has been trying for years to convince Muslims around the world that the West — and especially the United States — is at...
A Voice From the Left
If somebody asked me, in 2016, why I still consider myself to be on the Left, then I would undoubtedly start from my thoughts about the historical shift that occurred with the atomic bombings of two Japanese cities on 6th and 9th August 1945. Yet I would be the first to admit that the question of these weapons of mass destruction (and other such weapons) transcends the traditional spectrum of political ideologies, including those of the Left and of the Right.
Αrchbishop of Canterbury: You turned Greece into the “biggest debtor’s prison...
The weight has fallen on those least able to survive, and when their own suffering was aggravated by the desperate plight of hundreds of thousands of refugees, and now millions, little help was given. What we have seen is the global market system, and especially the EU, lend people money to buy things and then strangle their hopes and futures when they cannot repay. What we now have is the biggest debtor's prison in European history.
Trump, Flynn and the anti-Islam” Lobby
Flynn had advised Trump through his campaign and was once considered a potential running mate. The retired Army lieutenant general served as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the service that specializes in providing intelligence to the military until he was forced out in 2014 after reported leadership clashes.
De l’ antisémitisme a l’ islamophobie
ertains s’indignent que l’on ose comparer les attaques dont les musulmans sont aujourd’hui l’objet à l’antisémitisme d’autrefois. Il ne s’agit bien évidemment pas de la Shoah, auquel cas le parallèle serait effectivement scandaleux. Mais le discours islamophobe qui gagne chaque jour un plus de terrain ressemble en tous points aux théories antisémites qui
Oubliez Finance et Empire. Allez a la guerre contre l’ Islam.
Zemmour Djihadiste ! : “L’islam est incompatible avec la France” – le naufrage médiatique d’une Société où se répand le “racisme anti-arabes”
(Article Mis à...
Construire un pont entre l’islam et la République
L'islam de France m'a toujours paru être une grande cause nationale. Avec 4,1 millions de fidèles, selon l'Institut national d'études démographiques (INED), il constitue la deuxième religion de France. Certes, tous les immigrés d'origine maghrébine, africaine ou turque, et pour la plupart de nationalité française, ne sont pas musulmans, mais ils le sont