Thursday, 6 February , 2025


Syrie-Remarquable: Il y encore de responsables honnêtes en France!

Alain Juillet, ancien directeur du Renseignement au sein de la DGSE, le 22 avril 2017

Israeli Collaboration with ISIS

Former Israeli Defense Minister Confirms Israeli Collaboration With ISIS In Syria By Richard Silverstein In the midst of complaining about the Islamist threat to Israel and...

 Donald Trump Is the President Our Military Leaders Always Dreamed...

Don’t fool yourself—Donald is anything but an isolationist By Tom Engelhardt MOAB sounds more like an incestuous, war-torn biblical kingdom than the GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air...

In Defense of ISIS, by Thomas Friedman of the New York...

Why Is Trump Fighting ISIS in Syria? The Trump foreign policy team has been all over the map on what to do next in Syria...

500.000 People Flee Mosul, ISIS Pushed to Syria

Up to 500,000 People Fled Mosul Since Beginning of Military Operation   Up to 500,000 people have fled the northern Iraqi city of Mosul since the government troops launched...

Terrorist hits Britain, He helps French understand why Le Pen is...

Westminster attack: police hunt for clues after four dead in 'sick and depraved' incident Vikram Dodd, Ewen MacAskill, Jamie Grierson and Heather Stewart Thursday 23 March...

Trump orders military to prepare for world war

By Tom Eley During a visit to the Pentagon on Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive action calling for stepped up violence in Syria...

Is Trump’s Agenda Starting to Show “Shades of Brown”? The Million...

By Peter Koenig Original post date: 31 January 2017 Where is Mr. Trump coming from and where is he going to? What is really on his...

Back to 2001 – Trump makes war against Islam

ISIS has been trying for years to convince Muslims around the world that the West — and especially the United States — is at...

Berlin attack: Using “Islamic Terror” to undermine Democracy?

There is a long tradition in Germany of organizing state provocations for political purposes. In 1933, the Nazis organized the Reichstag fire and declared a semi-blind Dutch communist to be the sole perpetrator in order to crush the Communist Party and pass the Enabling Act, which sanctioned Hitler’s dictatorship.