Tuesday, 11 March , 2025


US Carries Out Airstrike Against Militia Target in Syria

Officials told Reuters that President Biden approved the attack Posted on February 25, 2021 gories  According to Reuters, the US bombed a structure in Syria belonging to...

Queen of Chicken Hawks: Victoria Nuland Had A Hand in Every...

As the Senate prepares to confirm Nuland for Under Secretary for Political Affairs, a reflection of her last 30 years in government shows how...

A Belligerent Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: The Legacy of...

January 15, 2021 Timothy Alexander Guzman, Silent Crow News – As the Trump’s era is coming to an end, his legacy in the Middle East...

Middle East: Again on the brink. Israel and “intra-imperialist” games

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos January 2nd, 2020 "To understand the situation, figure out that now, in Washington, the main obstacle to war is a man called Mad...

The Iranian Message to Trump

‘Beware of trap’: Iranian FM warns Trump ‘Israeli agents’ are preparing ‘attacks’ on US forces in Iraq to spark war against Tehran Jan.2, 2020 Iranian Foreign...

Iraq today is a nightmare that Americans largely sleep through

by Kelley Beaucar Vlahos December 29, 2020 What does it look like when you “liberate” a country that hasn’t asked for it, when you unleash a...

The Secret History of the Push to Strike Iran

Hawks in Israel and America have spent more than a decade agitating for war against the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program. Will Trump finally deliver? By...

Pentagon Officials Divided Over Threat of an Iranian Attack

In sign of possible de-escalation, the US is pulling an aircraft carrier out of the Middle East Posted on December 31, 2020s After weeks...

Pentagon brass on “red alert” over Trump’s coup plotting

By Bill Van Auken 28 December 2020 The senior US military command is operating at what amounts to a state of high alert in anticipation of...

The “anti-War” Trump pardons war criminals

Trump pardons Blackwater contractors jailed for massacre of Iraq civilians Four guards fired on unarmed crowd in Baghdad in 2007, killing 14 and sparking outrage...