Sunday, 8 September , 2024


US escalation in Iraq

By Patrick Martin Two attacks on a US firebase in northern Iraq, which killed one US Marine and wounded several more, have led to revelations...

EU migration crisis: Stop illegal wars, don’t blame the victims

by Finian Cunningham Europe is on a dangerous, slippery slope of increasing xenophobia and racism engendered by the influx of refugees. Denmark’s new confiscation law...

Economists On The Refugee Path

by Robert Shiller Today’s global refugee crisis recalls the period immediately after World War II. By one contemporary estimate, there were more than 40 million refugees...

The Refugee Crisis is a Crisis of Imperialism

by T.J. Petrowski The widely circulated photo of Aylan Kurdi, a three-year-old Syrian boy whose body was found on a beach in Turkey and whose...

Political Coverup of Iraq Atrocities

By Felicity Arbuthnot A little over three months short of the thirteenth anniversary of the invasion of Iraq (March 20th, 2003) now widely accepted as...