By Amberin Zaman
Turkish fury over the United States’ ongoing partnership with the Syrian Kurds showed no signs of abating as Ankara made a formal...
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The latest atrocities by US-trained Iraqi Army forces in Mosul are the outcome of Washington policies that have caused millions of civilian...
By Metin Gurcan
As Mosul was liberated last week from the Islamic State (IS) after a yearlong military struggle, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi defined it as the “collapse...
by Dr Gideon Polya
It is estimated that 40,000 people died in the US Alliance’s Mosul Massacre involving the explosive demolition of a huge city...
by Bill Van Auken
According to intelligence reports from Iraq, the US-led massacre in Mosul has claimed a staggeringly higher toll of Iraqi civilian lives...
Iraqi forces, leading a vigorous battle to liberate Mosul from ISIS, has been exposed torturing and abusing their captives suspected of having terrorists links,...