WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to dismantle key Obama-era limits on drone strikes and commando raids outside conventional battlefields, according to officials...
Pascal Boniface (@PascalBoniface), directeur de l’IRIS (www.iris-france.org), revient sur les référendums autour de l’autonomie du kurdistan irakien et de l’indépendance de la Catalogne.
By Bernie Sanders
Let me begin by thanking Westminster College, which year after year invites political leaders to discuss the important issue of foreign...
As the Kurdish referendum for independence nears, Iraqi VP's comment comes on the heels of Netanyahu's support for an independent Kurdistan
Iraq's vice president said...
Israeli embassy in Ankara evacuated as demonstrators seek to portray upcoming Kurdish independence referendum as Zionist plot
By Sue Surkes
The Israeli Embassy in Ankara was...
After Netanyahu endorses Kurdish independence, Turkish pro-government outlets launch media blitz about 'secret' Israel-Kurdish deal to settle Kurdish Jews in new state
As Turkey ramps...
Netanyahu: Israel Supports the Establishment of an Independent Kurdistan
Netanyahu says that while Israel sees the Kurdish guerillas PKK as a terrorist organization, 'it supports...