Tuesday, 25 February , 2025


Henry Kissinger’s Food Occupation Of Iraq Continues To Destroy The Fertile...

Iraqi agriculture expert Dr. Nakd Altameemi joins Mnar Muhawesh on ‘Behind the Headline’ to discuss the devastating toll that war, sanctions and Western corporations...

L’après-impérialisme !

Par Bouthaïna Chaabane jeudi 25 janvier 2018, AVANT PROPOS I. Extrait du discours de fin de mandat du président des États-Unis, Dwight David Eisenhower  : «  Mais désormais, nous...

After the liberation of Mosul, an orgy of killing

In the dying days of the battle of Mosul, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad followed Iraqi soldiers during the last push against Isis. But following their victory,...

‘We’re going to attack Iraq,’ Israel told the US. ‘Move your...

On 27th anniversary of Saddam's 1991 Scud missile strikes at Israel, Defense Ministry releases interviews with senior officials on how close Israel came to...

The Destabilizer: Trump’s Escalating Threats Against Iran

by Patrick Cockburn The US-Iran confrontation is already destabilising parts of the Middle East that were starting to settle down after the defeat of Isis...


By James H. Fetzer Wednesday, January 20, 2016 For those who may have missed the memo, 9/11 was brought to us by the CIA, the Neo-Cons...

The Responsibility to Protect the World… from the United States

by Ajamu Baraka One of the most ingenious propaganda weapons ever developed is that the powerful nations of the West—led by the United States—have a...

US Winks, Israel Bites? Shifting Middle East Alliances. The War on...

The Escalation Scenario By Prof Michel Chossudovsky In 2003, the war on Iran project was already Déjà Vu. It had been on the drawing board of the...

« Amalgame entre antisionisme et antisémitisme, la faute grave de Macron...

Par Dominique Vidal Journaliste et historien, auteur de nombreux ouvrages consacrés au Proche-Orient, Dominique Vidal s’élève, contre les accusations d’antisémitisme qui frappent tous les critiques...

Clean Break II: Iran Hawks Decide to Burn It All Down

by Derek Davison and Jim Lobe The 20th century was rife with partitions, many of them involving European powers carving up colonial possessions in Africa...