Friday, 18 October , 2024


Turkey – in the epicenter of tectonic shifts

Henry Kissinger reminds us that in international relations, states do not have permanent friends or enemies, only interests. That lesson reverberated Tuesday in St. Petersburg, where Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan let bygones be bygones with his "dear friend, the esteemed Vladimir" in an ironic (and somewhat excessive) display of diplomatic reconciliation.

Russians in Iran – a strategic setback for US and Israel

Russian use of the base, with Iran’s obvious support, appeared to set back or at least further complicate Russia’s troubled relations with the United States, which has been working with Russia over how to end the Syria conflict.

Russian air force operates from Iran

The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Tuesday that it had deployed Tu-22M3 bombers and Su-34 strike fighters in Iran and these aircraft have already been used to carried out airstrikes against Daesh in Syria.

How to organize a resistance economy

The World Bank was always dominated by the United States, but in its earlier years and up to the 1980’s – the time when neoliberalism and the Washington Consensus – started their merciless ascent, the World Bank financed and carried out some real ‘grass-roots’ projects


The United States is, by far, the world’s most aggressive nation when it comes to cyberspying and cyberwarfare. The National Security Agency has been eavesdropping on foreign cities, politicians, elections and entire countries since it first turned on its receivers in 1952. Just as other countries, including Russia, attempt to do to the United States. What is new is a country leaking the intercepts back to the public of the target nation through a middleperson.

Radicals around Erdogan call for war “against Crusaders”

The engineers of the project targeted President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for “ruining the game.” Since they know that the Turkish society's unifying, the uniting power will disappear and become open to the operation in his absence. They planned to first eliminate him and his cadres and then launch Turkey's destruction process.

Remembering the War in Iraq

By Neil Mackay 15 September 2002: A SECRET blueprint for US global domination reveals that President Bush and his cabinet were planning a premeditated attack on Iraq...

Did Russia save Erdogan?

TEHRAN (FNA)- Arab media outlets quoted diplomats in Ankara as disclosing that Turkey's President Erdogan was alerted by Russia against an imminent army coup hours before it was initiated on Friday, while a western media outlet said Erdogan asked his supporters to remain in the streets after receiving advice from Tehran.

ΝΑΤΟ, Turkey and the shifting strategic landscape

Turkey is ready to work towards restoration of peace and stability in the region together with Russia and Iran, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a telephone conversation with Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani on Monday.

Erdogan, Netanyahu, Putin

For the President of Turkey it seems at least a tactical, but more likely as a strategic retreat. He is obliged to stop his support for Gaza Palestinians in exchange for "normalizing" his relations with Ankara. He will naturally pay a heavy price for his political inconsequence. The rapprochement of Ankara and Tel Aviv will help "curb" some Iranian "ambitions", believe some Turkish commentators.