Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Internet of Things

The 24 ways we’re tracked on a regular basis reveal something...

By Kevin Kelly, "The Inevitable" Jun 28, 2016 photo: Courtesy 20th Century Fox/Dreamworks The design of the internet of everything, and the nature...

Don’t be evil, just OBEY: After Covid-19 tech giants will have...

By Mitchell Feierstein 11 Apr, 2020 Silicon Valley’s algorithms are controlling your cognitive map, and Congress is letting it happen. Covid-19 is providing the perfect cover...

5G Cell Phone Radiation: How the Telecom Companies Are Losing the...

By Claire Edwards October 04, 2019 The telecommunications companies and the mainstream media would have you believe that the race to roll out 5G is unstoppable....

Blockchain’s Broken Promises | By Nouriel Roubini

Jan 26, 2018 Boosters of blockchain technology compare its early days to the early days of the Internet. But whereas the Internet quickly gave rise...