Saturday, 22 February , 2025


The Breakaway | By Perry Anderson

21 January 2021 It is​ now a year since Britain left the EU, and less than a month since the terms of its separation were...

Noam Chomsky On COVID-19 And His New Book: Internationalism Or Extinction

Noam Chomsky analyzes the coronavirus pandemic in the context of neoliberal capitalism's failures, climate change, potential nuclear disaster, and Donald Trump's authoritarianism. April 13, 2020 Story...

Des syndicats belges soutiendront financièrement les grèves en France

6 janvier 2020 La CNE, la centrale CSC des employés, tout comme la FGTB, ont décidé d’aller au-delà des motions de soutien aux syndicats français...

From the Greek revolt to the Battle of England: hopes and...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos In a previous article we discussed some of the most critical geopolitical consequences of the outcome of the 12 December British election. In this paper...

Peoples’ Assembly calls for global action on March 16 against imperialist...

The international assembly was attended by around 500 delegates from five continents, representing 181 people’s movements and organizations. March 04, 2019 The four-day International Peoples’ Assembly...

“Marx et le colonialisme”, par Rémy Herrera

26 septembre 2018 "Marx et le colonialisme", par Rémy Herrera from Les Films de l'An 2 on Vimeo.

Why I Am a Communist!

By ANDRE VLTCHEK There are several essential messages literally shouting from the screen, whenever one watches ‘The Last Supper’ (La Ultima Cena), a brilliant 1976...