Saturday, 22 February , 2025

International Law

Arnaud Develay: Les Conséquences de la Faillite Impériale sur l’Ordre Juridique...

7 Noiembrie 2019 Chisinau Forum III  Arnaud Develay, avocat international, barreaux de Washington et de Paris Bonjour à toutes et à tous et merci de vous être...

Arnaud Develay: The Rule of Law in the Age of Imperial...

CHISINAU FORUM III Arnaud Develay, international lawyer, Washington and Paris bar Hello and thank you to everyone for having taken the time to come and exchange...

Fascists R Us: Trump and Pompeo’s Deny That Israeli Squatting on...

A combination of US Evangelical lawlessness and white supremacy with incessant lobbying by the Zionist far right has finally put the United States in...

Tikkun’s point of view | Response to Trump Declaring Israel West...

By Tikkun * On Monday, Nov. 18, the Trump Administration announced that the US would no longer consider Israeli settlement activity in the West Bank...

MCC, ACSA, SOFA, incompatible with international law

by Tamara Kunanayakam, Former Ambassador/Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva “here is no friendship when nations are not equal, when one has to obey another...

A rules-based or US-based international order for Iran?

By Hans Blix * 8 July 2019 There is at present a risk for a full-scale US military onslaught on Iran. It makes the media and...

Julian Assange should not be extradited to US – Jeremy Corbyn

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has said the UK government should not extradite Julian Assange to the US, where he faces a computer hacking charge. The...

German Bundestag Report Blasts US Threats to Venezuela as ‘Breach of...

12.02.2019 The German government officially recognised opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela's interim president last week after the expiration of an eight day deadline demanding...

Actes du colloque de la Fondation Res Publica : “L’Europe face...

Les actes du colloque du 24 septembre 2018 sont disponibles en ligne sur le site de la Fondation Res Publica. Accueil, par Jean-Pierre Chevènement,...

President Trump’s War Crime is Worse than the One He Accuses...

April 16, 2018 The single most important thing that happened Friday night when the US military on President Trump’s orders launched a wave of over 100...