Wednesday, 12 March , 2025


Αttempted assassination of Robert Fico. A very bad signal for...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos The attempted assassination of the leftist and a critic of Western policy in Ukraine Prime Minister of Slovakia Robert Fico, is probably...

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico Injured in Attack

May 15, 2024 On Wednesday, Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and collapsed to the ground. He was immediately taken to a hospital by...

Elections européennes, pour quelle Europe ?

Par Danielle RIVA 13 Février 2024 Entre Trump et Biden, deux Amériques s’affrontent. Ils s’affrontent mais restent unis sur le rôle prééminent des Usa dans le...

Council of Europe condemns Greece on press freedom

The Council of Europe's new report on freedom of the press condemns Greece. Mar 6 2024 Disappointing remarks on press freedom in Greece are made by...

EU Plans to Sabotage Hungary’s Economy If Orban Blocks Ukraine Aid

According to a leaked plan, the EU aims to hurt 'jobs and growth' in Hungary if Budapest doesn't lift its veto by Dave DeCamp ...

An unlikely union: Israel and the European far right

Israel has been engaging far-right groups and parties across Europe, ignoring their anti-Semitism. By Ramzy Baroud internationally-syndicated columnist, a media consultant, an author. Romana Rubeo freelance writer...

Scholz’s low blow: Telling Orban to ‘get coffee’ during Ukraine vote

The German chancellor has taken credit for a cunning coffee break tactic, which saw the European Union voting to advance accession talks with Ukraine. Dec...

The List of Shame. Countries supporting the genocide of Palestinians

Who voted against ceasefire in UN? Israel  US Papua New Guinea Paraguay Austria Czechia Guatemala Liberia Micronesia Nauru Which countries abstained against ceasefire? Argentina Bulgaria Cabo Verde Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Georgia Germany Hungary Italy Lithuania Malawi Marshall Islands Netherlands Palau Panama Romania Slovakia South Sudan Togo Tonga Ukraine United Kingdom Uruguay We remind our readers that publication of articles...

Sweden abolishes its sovereignty and Turkey seems to go west (?)

Turkey’s Erdogan Agrees to Back Sweden’s NATO Membership Stoltenberg says Erdogan agreed to submit Sweden's NATO bid to Turkey's parliament Posted on July 10, 2023 Categories Turkish...

Concerns about Predator in Greece was approved

May 9, 2023 The EP’s committee of inquiry into the use of Pegasus software and related surveillance software (PEGA) has adopted its final report and...