Monday, 31 March , 2025

Hudson Kate

America’s secret military deployment on British Cyprus

The US Air Force has had a base on British territory on Cyprus for nearly half a century, but its size is kept secret...

Ukraine, NATO and the nuclear threat

By Dr Kate Hudson Marc 28, 2022 When NATO leaders met last week they announced the deployment of an additional 40,000 troops on NATO’s eastern border,...

The Case Against NATO

When NATO leaders met last month for an emergency meeting to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, they responded with the continuation and intensification of...

Peace campaigners condemn government’s ‘provocative’ military escalation in eastern Europe

Government should ‘throw all its energy into seeking a negotiated settlement before nuclear war destroys us all,’ CND general secretary Kate Hudson says Apr 29,...

Ending all nuclear restraint? | By Dr Kate Hudson

February 21, 2019 It’s almost ten years since President Obama made his famous Prague speech, committing to a nuclear weapons-free world. I remember hearing his...