Monday, 31 March , 2025

Hillary Clinton

US political establishment rallies behind Trump

Clinton spelled out her capitulation in a speech Wednesday morning in which she said nothing about the deep economic distress that was the foundation of Trump’s victory. Although acknowledging “our nation is more deeply divided than we thought,” she was silent on the most fundamental division, the yawning economic gulf between the super-rich and the vast majority of working people.

SILENCE OF THE LEFT regarding Euro-Austerity and T-TIP, by Michael Hudson

The media in the United States have treated the British vote against remaining in the European Union (EU) as if it is populist “Trumpism,” an inarticulate right-wing vote out of ignorance at being left behind by the neoliberal economic growth policy. The fact that Donald Trump happened to be in Scotland

Hillary Clinton Will Feel The Bern As Occupy DNC Plans A...

Hillary Clinton will soon be feeling the Bern in the form of millions of Bernie Sanders supporters bent on shaping history. They are fighting for a history with President Sanders and without another President Clinton.

Klein on Clinton

The Problem With Hillary Clinton Isn’t Just Her Corporate Cash. It’s Her Corporate Worldview. Clinton is uniquely unsuited to the epic task of confronting the...

Tony Blair and his role

By David Runciman Since he left office in 2007 Tony Blair has been hawking his wares around the world, from Nigeria to Kazakhstan. What has...

Bernie Sanders Wins the Nevada Caucus

By Tom Cahill After the Clark County Democratic Convention, Bernie Sanders has flipped his close Nevada caucus loss to a win at the convention stage....

Hillary Clinton Unveils Her Plan To Persuade The Public To Accept...

by Amanda Froelich According to the former Secretary of State, you gain public approval of GMO crops by stressing their alleged “benefits.” In other words,...

“I think it would be a mistake to offer normalized relations”

Hillary Clinton on Thursday criticised Sen. Bernie Sanders experience and fitness to lead the country, along with his suggestion that the U.S. should warm its relationship...

No Danger of Nuclear War? The Pentagon’s Plan to Blow up...

More than 2000 nuclear explosions have occurred since 1945 as part of nuclear weapons’ testing. Officially only two nuclear bombs (Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 6 and...

Ukraine: The Truth

by GARY LEUPP Reuters headline, April 29: “Ukraine sets sights on joining NATO.” Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty headline, April 29: “Far-Right Leader Names Ukrainian Military Adviser.” Moscow’s official...