Thursday, 13 March , 2025


No, Assad’s Survival Isn’t a Good Thing

By Efraim Inbar Misguided voices in Israel and elsewhere argue that a strong Syrian president with firm control over the state is a vital interest...

Humiliation of May, rise of Corbyn, make gloomy news for Jerusalem

By David Horovitz Watching Britain begin to play coalition politics on Friday, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu might have ruefully mused that he’d be delighted...

Is Israel planning a new invasion in Lebanon?

This past Sunday, with great fanfare, Israeli politicians and military leaders finally announced to the Israeli public – and to the country’s enemies –...

Mélenchon (et Corbyn) ou la Guerre

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) Je dois d' abord exprimer mon admiration profonde et sincere pour l' instinct politique des terroristes islamistes. Ils semblent disposer un...

In Defense of ISIS, by Thomas Friedman of the New York...

Why Is Trump Fighting ISIS in Syria? The Trump foreign policy team has been all over the map on what to do next in Syria...

Israeli Far Right Attacks Haaretz

Liberman: Boycott Haaretz for Op-ed calling Israel’s religious right more dangerous than Hezbollah Defense minister says ‘frustrated’ columnist Yossi Klein’s piece against national-religious community ‘crosses...

1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis

By Tyler Durden April 12, 2017 "Information Clearing House" -  "Zero Hedge" Prophetically foreshadowing the current crisis (and apparent action plan), leaked CIA documents from the reign...

Tillerson threatens Russia: USA and Israel play with Nuclear World War

Syria: Rex Tillerson says Russia must choose between "unreliable" Assad and the US, allies US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has urged Russia to abandon...

Syria, Iran and Israel – Clinton mails reveal the motivation behind.

Israel blames Putin for permitting Syria to defend

Israeli Media Blames Putin For Syria’s Decision to Defend Itself Against Israeli Airstrikes This takes the "blame Russia" cake. With a S-200 on top. By...