Matina Pagonis, présidente de l'Union des médecins hospitaliers de Grèce (EINAP) a averti qu'il est possible qu’on soit incapable de faire fonctionner les hôpitaux...
Greek Colonial Administration (SYRIZA) is attacking structures of social solidarity to...
Sudden Death for Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko
1 June 2018
We say NO and “we will not go quietly into the night….”
On 31 May...
What would happen if the world suddenly went vegetarian
Eliminating meat from our diets would bring a bounty of benefits to both our own health and the planet’s – but it could also...
Heading off Global Action on Access to Medicines in 2018
By Dr. Jorge Bermudez and Dr. Viroj Tangcharoensathien
Jan. 18, 2018
At the dawn of 2018, political and health leaders must seize the growing momentum and...
La Fuite à l’ étranger des médecins Grecs, 1500 par an!
L’Association des Médecins d’Athènes constate les conséquences dévastatrices de la crise pour le personnel scientifique la migration des médecins grecs à l’étranger pour de...
Grèce: Le démantèlement méthodique et tragique des institutions de santé publique
par Noëlle Burgi
12 mars 2018
Le système national de santé grec a été démantelé par l’application d’un ensemble de mesures imposées depuis 2010 par les...
Martin Shkreli Sentenced to 7 Years in Prison for Fraud
MARCH 9, 2018
Martin Shkreli, a former pharmaceutical executive notorious for sharply increasing drug prices, mounting sneering defenses of his actions and even...
America’s Painful Self-delusion
By Allen Marshall
December 14, 2017
America is the only nation brought forth by a set of beliefs, and those beliefs, captured so eloquently in...
ADHD drugs greatly decrease academic performance in children, study finds
by Ethan A. Huff
January 03, 2015
Children who take mind-altering medications like Ritalin (methylphenidate) and Adderall (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine) for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)...
Psychiatric Drugs and Shootings in Schools
Constitutional attorney Jonathan Emord calls for FEDERAL investigation into link between psych drugs and school shootings
by JD Heyes
February 21, 2018
A top-rated lawyer who...