Wednesday, 22 January , 2025


Lettre des hospitaliers aux gilets jaunes

Décembre 12, 2018 Communiqué de l’Association des et du personnel de la santé (AUP’S), à la suite de la manifestation du 8 décembre. Paris,...

Yellow Vests Rise Against Neo-Liberal ‘King’ Macron

For centuries, the “left” hoped popular movements would lead to changes for the better. Today, many leftists seem terrified of popular movements for change,...

Cuba to pull doctors out of Brazil after President-elect Bolsonaro comments

Bolsonaro demands contract changes and questions training 11,420 Cuban doctors work in poor and remote parts of Brazil 14 Nov 2018 Cuba has announced it will...

Denmark Danes angered by US socialism report citing lower living standards...

By Rachael Kennedy 30/10/2018 A recent White House report has been rejected by Danish politicians as "fake news" after it claimed living standards in Nordic...

Hospital union bemoans cuts since start of bailouts

21.08.2018 Responding to Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s declaration on Tuesday that Greece is closing the door on austerity, the country’s union of public hospital workers...

Russia stood up for breastfeeding protection when other countries yielded to...

10 Jul, 2018 The US pressured Ecuador to drop a pro-breastfeeding resolution by threatening to drop aid, the NYT reports. A breastfeeding advocate confirmed the...


Matina Pagonis, présidente de l'Union des médecins hospitaliers de Grèce (EINAP) a averti qu'il est possible qu’on soit incapable de faire fonctionner les hôpitaux...

Greek Colonial Administration (SYRIZA) is attacking structures of social solidarity to...

Sudden Death for Metropolitan Community Clinic at Helliniko 1 June 2018  We say NO and “we will not go quietly into the night….” On 31 May...

What would happen if the world suddenly went vegetarian

Eliminating meat from our diets would bring a bounty of benefits to both our own health and the planet’s – but it could also...

Heading off Global Action on Access to Medicines in 2018

By Dr. Jorge Bermudez and Dr. Viroj Tangcharoensathien Jan. 18, 2018 At the dawn of 2018, political and health leaders must seize the growing momentum and...