Thursday, 26 December , 2024


Mitsotakis peut-il devenir un “Thatcher grec”, et qui le pousse à...

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 mars 2021 Le gouvernement grec semble capable - et le seul capable - de provoquer une sorte de révolution dans le pays...

Can Mitsotakis become a “Greek Thatcher”, and who is pushing...

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 8 March 2021 The Greek government seems capable  - and the only one capable - of provoking a kind of revolution in the...

Unlocking the Mysteries of Long COVID

A growing number of clinicians are on an urgent quest to find treatments for a frighteningly pervasive problem. They’ve had surprising early success. by Meghan...

Sweden: The Waterloo of Herb Immunity Nonsense

Stockholm’s warning: Travel only if you have to – and wear a mask 23 February 2021 Stockholm has introduced further measures to curb the spread of...

Unbelievable conditions in Athens hospitals following Covid-redesign

Mar.5, 202 The dramatic situation that prevails in the hospitals of the Greek capital is reflected in a letter by the director in Internal Medicine...

Dead epidemiologists: Book talk

MARCH 5TH, 3:00-4:30 EST with Science for the People & Pilsen Community Books CLICK TO REGISTER Take a deep dive into the socio-political and economic origins of...

German anti-lockdown protests led to more coronavirus cases, study finds

Researchers conclude as many as 21,000 infections could have been prevented had two protests been canceled By Merlin Sugue February 9, 2021 Protests against...

800,000 COVID-19 deaths in Europe: capitalism, social murder and the case...

By Alex Lantier Feb. 25, 2021 Yesterday, the official death toll from the coronavirus pandemic across Europe surpassed 800,000. Death on this scale is so massive a...

Vivre avec le virus ou tenter de s’en débarrasser ? La...

De nombreux chercheurs défendent l'idée d'un confinement immédiat, sans attendre une possible saturation des hôpitaux. Cette mesure de courte durée permettrait de réduire le nombre...

Comment les cabinets de conseil comme McKinsey ont conquis la France

Ces cabinets sont aujourd’hui embauchés sur de mutiples sujets, allant de la vaccination à la lutte contre le changement climatique By Elisa Braun and Paul...