Monday, 3 March , 2025

Gresh Alain

How Israel Spies on US Citizens

The Truths that Won’t Be Heard · A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the US reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying...

Gaza-Palestine: The Right to Resist Oppression

 By Alain Gresh 13 October 2023 It was also in the month of October, exactly 50 years ago, in 1973. The Egyptian and Syrian armies crossed...

Afghanistan, One Defeat Breeds Another | By Alain Gresh

Kabul has fallen, and it took the Taliban only a few weeks to sweep away the Afghan army, which had been financed and trained...

Henri Curiel, la piste française

par Alain Gresh 25 septembre 2008 Vendredi 26 septembre, à 22 h 40, dans « Spécial Investigation », Canal + diffuse un documentaire présenté par Emilie Raffoul et Stéphane Haumant, Henri Curiel :...

Antisionisme, antisémitisme et idéologie coloniale

Dans le débat qui agite la France autour de l’antisémitisme, deux dimensions sont souvent absentes : le fait que, durant la première moitié du XXe siècle,...

How Israel Spies on US Citizens | By Alain Gresh

By Alain Gresh 29 August 2018 A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the US reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on US citizens,...