Monday, 10 March , 2025


In Northern France, A Divided Left Is Finally Coming Together

No one on the French left wants the 2022 presidential election to be another contest between Macron and Le Pen, yet its own forces...

Grèce : ne laissons pas mourir le prisonnier Dimitris Koufondinas, en...

Mar.3, 2021 Crédit Photo Twitter Marios Lolos (photo censurée sur Facebook) On l'a déjà dit à de nombreuses reprises : le gouvernement de Kyriakos Mitsotakis, rejeton d'une  famille...

Émeutes à Athènes, le Conseil d’État rejette à son tour la...

par Yannis Youlountas Mar. 10, 2021 Mardi 9 mars 2021. Dimitris Koufontinas est encore vivant. Les révoltes se multiplient contre l’arrogance du pouvoir et la...

Urgent: rule of law in Greece, with possibly dangerous implications

Prasinoi / Greens Athens, March 7, 20201 To: - Ska Keller, co-President of the Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament - Philip Lamberts, co-President of the Greens/EFA Group...

2021: Year Zero for the French Left

By Pauline Graulle Mar 1st, 2021 Photo:Osbornb via Flickr /CC BY 2.0 The French left has just over a year to get itself organised to win the...

Sweden: the country of Palme wants to become a Nato protectorate!

‘NATO-option’ gets majority in Swedish parliament By Pekka Vanttinen Dec. 10, 2020 For the first time in Sweden’s history the so-called “NATO-option” has obtained a majority in...

German Greens adopt a new basic programme

By Sarah Lawton Nov. 23, 2020 Following their three-day virtual party conference, Germany’s Greens have a new basic programme, including a commitment to the Paris Climate...

Joint Statement by the Greens of Turkey and Greens of Greece...

“We, Greek and Turkish Greens, are both deeply concerned about the current build-up of tension in the Eastern Mediterranean.” Aug. 19, 2020 This post is also...

Jack Mundey 1929-2020: a comrade for our times | Hall Greenland

May 12, 2020 Because of Jack Mundey the Sixties were different in Australia. The United States had Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Mario Savio, Angela...

The Australian Greens Must Democratize Their Party Structures

With Adam Bandt as leader, the Australian Greens are charting a leftward course and developing the country’s most ambitious policy proposals. The next step...