Upon learning the death of Wolfgang Schäuble, German Minister of Finance during the European Debt Crisis, Yannis Androulidakis, a Greek journalist posted the following...
Jill Stein's Ominous Warning on Growing Threat of Nuclear War
Nov 19, 2023
Green Party presidential hopeful Jill Stein warned that President Joe Biden and U.S....
Israël a été pris par surprise par une offensive de la résistance palestinienne mais son armée prépare déjà une « punition collective », c'est-à-dire...
By Matt Kerr
July 26, 2023
THE Scottish Greens have called on the SNP-Green Scottish government to levy a “super-tax” on private jets.
The demand for a...
by Abdullah Bozkurt
May 14, 2023
No matter the results of Turkey’s presidential and parliamentary elections, nefarious, anti-democratic and unaccountable factions entrenched in Turkish institutions and...