Saturday, 1 March , 2025

Greek Left

Stefanos Kasselakis elected as the new president of SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance

With 75% of the votes counted, Stefanos Kasselakis on Sunday emerged as the victor of the election for a new leader of main opposition...

Tsipras the greatest traitor of the left ever says former SYRIZA...

‘When you hear someone boasting about his own ethos and altruism, it is best to put your hand in your pocket to protect your...

The Tsipras’ miracles: US and Israel controlling Greek “Left”!!!

Tsipras’ Love Affair With Netanyahu’s Israel Deserves an Explanation ByC.J. Polychroniou Jan 30, 2016 Only a few months before it’s rise to power, Tsipras’ Syriza party was attacking...

Mikis Theodorakis blasts Tsipras’ Foreign Policy

by Dimitris Georgopoulos 12/6/2018 In an article, published in his personal website, Mikis Theodorakis, world known composer and a legendary symbol of the Greek and international...

Mélenchon: “Tsipras est l’une des figures les plus minables de la...

09/07/2018 "Tsipras est l’une des figures les plus minables de la vie politique européenne", a déclaré ce lundi sur BFMTV Jean-Luc Mélenchon, président du groupe...

Three years since the betrayal of the Greek people by its...

Flashback to the Greek Bailout Referendum: When ‘No’ Became a ‘Yes’ ByTasos Kokkinidis Jul 5, 2018 On the third anniversary of the referendum to decide whether Greece...

This is also a Coup! The second one in Greece after...

US-NATO-EU provoke chaos in Greece and in Balkans By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Maybe it is the best agreement ever signed…Maybe by applying it, Greece and the Former...

Mikis Theodorakis blasts Tsipras’ Foreign Policy

by Dimitris Georgopoulos In an article, published in his personal website, Mikis Theodorakis, world known composer and a legendary symbol of the Greek and international...

Le gouvernement grec accepte d’énièmes mesures d’austérité

Par Pascal Marie Publié le 19/05/2017 Le Parlement grec a voté dans la soirée du jeudi 18 mai de nouvelles mesures d’austérité afin de satisfaire les désirs...

Erdogan in Athen, damit Zypern an USA, Großbritannien und Israel ausgeliefert...

Dimitris Konstantakopulos 10 Dezember 2017 Was waren die eigentlichen Gründe für den Besuch Erdogans in Athen? Der Journalist Dimitris Konstantakopulos geht der Sache auf den Grund Original...