Monday, 10 March , 2025

Greek History

Bahçeli against 1821 Greek Revolution!

Turks’ delirium: Greeks will pay the price for the blood of 1821 Mar 29, 2021 Public opinion was once again startled by the new nationalist delirium...

France Grèce et révolution de 1769 à 1830

27 mars 2021 Source : Jacques Serieys Sélection 27 Que le lecteur de cet article n’y cherche pas une histoire de la guerre grecque d’indépendance vis...

Svoronos (Nicolas), Histoire de la Grèce moderne

Janin R. Revue des études byzantines Année 1954 12 pp. 249-250 Histoire de la Grèce moderne / Svoronos,...

Hölderlin’s Hyperion (1934) by Georg Lukács

Written: 1934; Translator: Robert Anchor; Source: Goethe and His Age Merlin Press 1968; Transcribed: Harrison Fluss for, February 2008. Oh! were there a banner ... a Thermopylae...

Russia’s Byron: Pushkin and the Greek revolution

Aug. 26, 2019 The Greek Revolution brought a storm of enthusiasm and support in the West, fuelled by the Romantic Movement. Yet no Romantic was...

France Donates Tapestry of Raphael’s School of Athens to Greece

France donated to Greece the magnificent tapestry depicting the artwork of Italian-born High Renaissance artist Raphael. Raphael’s famous, dubbed the School of Athens, is famous...

Grèce : Manifestations anti-gouvernementales massives, black-out médiatique massif

Par Andreas Maris 11/03/2021 Les médias internationaux, y compris ceux qui ont des correspondants en Grèce, ont imposé un black-out quasi total aux informations en provenance...

Greece: Massive anti-government demonstrations, massive news blackout

By Andreas Maris  International media, including media which have correspondents in Greece, have imposed a near total blackout to information coming from this country. This...

Le gréviste de la faim grec Koufontinas risque la mort. Costa...

Par Dimitris Georgopoulos Feb. 23, 2020Grève de la faim grecque, depuis 45 jours maintenant, Dimitris Koufontinas, 63 ans, a insisté auprès de ses médecins pour...

Greek Neonazis (and US Diplomacy)

Note: We are not in a position to confirm or deny all what is written in the following article, published in Covert Action Magazine,...