Sunday, 9 March , 2025

Greek History

Does England Hate Russia? England, Truman and the Greek Connexion.

By William Mallinson Introduction  This paper will attempt to demonstrate that England (and later the United Kingdom) has a deep historical dislike of Russia, and even...

Cretans demand “Justice” for the Nazi atrocities: Steinmeier apologizes in Greek

Oct 31, 2024 Difficult times for German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier during his visit to Kandanos on the island of Crete, a village bombed flat by...

How Crete changed the course of World War Two

The Cretan Resistance caused significant damage to German morale and is likely one of the reasons why Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union was...

Greek communist – led resistance: The strongest in all Europe

The Greek resistance involved armed and unarmed groups from across the political spectrum that resisted the Axis occupation of Greece in the period 1941–1944,...

Exile on K Street

After fleeing Greece, Elias Demetracopoulos fought against his home country’s junta from Washington—and nearly upended Richard Nixon’s presidency. by Stan Draenos October 25, 2020 Like...

New Book Unravels Mystery of Antikythera Mechanism

Oct. 17, 2021 A new book titled “Antikythera Mechanism: The Story Behind the Genius of the Greek Computer and Its Demise” by Greek historian and...

Moscow ready to contribute to Cyprus talks, Zakharova says

Feb 28 2024 Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova referred on Wednesday to the 65th anniversary of the Zurich-London Agreements and criticised Britain while expressing...

“Hanukkah”: An Anti-Greek Blood Libel

Separating Fact From Fiction By Joseph Jordan 5 Jan 2024 British historicist Arnold Toynbee once described Judaism as a unique aberration within the human experience. Fossilized in...

Κazantzaki CELUI QUI DOIT MOURIR/Le Christ Recrucifié

A great masterpiece of the Greek writer NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS (whose body of work combines Camus, Dostoievski, Tolstoi, Nietzsche and Bergson) becomes transformed in the...

Cyprus and Kissinger: Death of an image

By William Mallinson* Can I do this? As the author of a recent book on Heinz Kissinger (the result of over twenty years of archival research),...