Jun 9, 2022
Greece on Thursday published a series of historical maps looking to refute Turkish accusations that Athens is violating peace treaties that followed...
Jun 10, 2022
Turkey must respect the sovereignty of all EU member states “in their territorial waters and airspace,” said European Commission spokesman for external...
Tweets from Erdogan in Greek, and the response from Tsipras in Turkish highlight the equal distance and closeness between Turkey and Greece
Jun 10, 2022
Jun 1, 2022
In a rare public speech Wednesday, former Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis denounced the Russian aggression in Ukraine, as well as Turkey’s aggressive...
May 12, 2022
Greece’s Communist party KKE unfurled two banners over one of the walls of the Acropolis of Athens early Thursday morning.
Written in Greek...
May 7, 2022
Un certain nombre de personnalités grecques connues, dont d’anciens ministres, d’anciens recteurs de célèbres universités grecques, des syndicalistes, des militants sociaux et...
Heated debate took place earlier in Greek parliament between government and opposition parties
May 13, 2022
A protest rally by the Communist Party of Greece's workers'...
Trade unions in the Greek city of Thessaloniki united in support of employees of private railway company TrainOSE after management attempted to clamp down...