Greek Foreign Policy
Thousands stage protests in Greece against country’s deployment of warship to...
Group protests in Larissa in front of hotel where US ambassador came to city to address meeting of business association
By Ahmet Gencturk
Mar 14,...
A Disgraceful Servile Greece- US Defense Memorandum…
It provides for the placement of Greek defense personnel in American units, but which will be paid for by our country!
By Vassilis Galoupis
Mar 13,...
Anti-war movement in Greece denounces country’s plan to host EU’s Red...
'Instead of Greece calling for end to Gaza genocide, it attacks those who are trying to stop it,' says group
By Ahmet Gencturk
Feb 2, 2024
Shareholders Make a Killing: the Same old Graeco-Turkish Story
By William Mallinson
28 January 2024
The American military-congressional-industrial complex thrives on overseas arms sales and, of course, stimulating war, perhaps the most blatant current examples...
Greece: The erosion of media freedom in the birthplace of democracy
Analysis: While steep decline in press freedom may have petered out, myriad of challenges remain
By IPI Europe Advocacy Officer
Jamie Wiseman
Jan 10, 2024
All is...
Greek government accused of defanging probe into its wiretapping scandal
Opposition lawmakers cry foul as Mitsotakis administration neutralizes officials investigating Athens wiretaps.
By Nektaria Stamouli
October 26, 2023
The government of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is...
Greece: SYRIZA commits suicide (with American help)
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
10 November 2023
A number of frontline cadres followed by many cadres and members (real ones, not like Kasselakis' voters) strongly disagreed...
Two interwind flags representing our people solidarity and fate.
By Ambassador Marwan Emile Toubassi.
*Member of The Progressive Forum for Greek Palestinian Solidarity.
I was struck with pain and extreme sadness as well as anger...
Riot police quell pro-Palestinian protest in Athens
Oct 18, 2023
Riot police fired tear gas Wednesday after participants in a thousands-strong pro-Palestinian march tried to advance on the Israeli Embassy in Athens.
Lacking moral, political and representative legitimacy: the election of Kasselakis
Americans and Tsipras are murdering SYRIZA.
By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos
September 22, 2023
Stefanos Kasselakis– unless we are to have a big surprise and witness a reversal...