Wednesday, 26 March , 2025

Greek Economy

Grèce : une annonce de réduction de dette en trompe-l’œil

Par Eric Toussaint , Marie Brette 24 juin 2018 Éric Toussaint interviewé par Marie Brette de TV5 Monde Éric Toussaint, que pensez-vous de l’accord signé par les...

The Radiography of the Greek Disaster, by the IMF

From the latest IMF report. 1. The longest depression in history, still going... 2. Lead to impoverishment of a large part of the population 3. After 9...

The IMF mission chief: Why the new Greek program won’t work

IMF mission chief to Greece says ambitious surplus targets could constrain the economy By Yannis Palaiologos 08.07.2018 The head of the IMF mission in Greece, Peter Dolman,...

L’Eurogroupe maintient la Grèce sous le joug de la dette illégitime

Par Anouk Renaud 24 juin 2018 Ce vendredi 22 juin 2018, l’Eurogroupe (la réunion des ministres des finances de la zone euro et de la BCE),...

Greece: Perpetual Austerity

By  Leonidas Vatikiotis 26/04/2018 The current political debate in Greece is about the next day of the end of adjustment programs on August 2018, when the...

Rapport choquant sur la Grèce

Rapport choquant sur la Grèce : les indicateurs macroéconomiques sont trompeurs car les conditions de vie continuent à se dégrader 4 février par Confédération hellénique des...

European “Left” in Defense of Troika – They need Potemkin Villages

The Greek Economy Is Recovering And Exiting The Crisis By Dimitris Papadimoulis 19 September 2017 The latest data from Eurostat shows that the Greek economy is steadily...

What’s Behind Greece’s Declining Population Rate?

High unemployment leads to fewer births, but there might be a reason it’s worse in Greece. 01/27/2016 here are just a few countries in the world...

Greece slides back into recession at start of 2017

By Szu Ping Chan Greece slid back into recession in the first quarter in 2017 amid months of wrangling between Athens and its creditors over...