Saturday, 29 March , 2025

Greek Debt

Lost in hypocrisy: Greece’s lenders celebrate end of bailout programs

August 20, 2018 A historic day. The end of bailout program. The begin an new era. Lenders celebrate the “great news.”The Greek government cheers. Greece...

The legal aspects of the Greek Bail-Out Program. Regime Change in...

20-21 June, 2015 Giorgos Kasimatis, Greece Professor Emeritus, University of Athens Also read The Delphi Declaration on Greece and Europe – June 2015 The Delphi Forum, 20-21...

Greece still under the yoke of its illegitimate debt

by Anouk Renaud 20 July, 2018 On Friday 22 June 2018, after night-long negotiations, the Eurogroup (meeting of the finance ministers of the eurozone, along...

The Greek Debt Crisis is Finally Over. Or Is It?

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 04.07.2018 Greece still exists, albeit decapitated, without leaders, forces, or intellectuals to articulate its truth and its rights. And as it has proved,...

Plundered Greece

By René Zeyer, Basel Zeitung 28.06.2018 Eight years of crisis, eight years of alleged help from the EU have created a country where deep hopelessness, agony,cynicism...

Geplündertes Griechenland

Acht Jahre Krise, acht Jahre angebliche Hilfe der EU haben ein Land geschaffen, in dem tiefe Hoffnungslosigkeit, Agonie, Verzweiflung und Zynismus herrschen. René Zeyer 28.06.2018 Es...

EU decisions on Greece: Postponing the final Execution, solidifying the Status...

Eurozone finance ministers agree on last-minute debt reprofiling for Greece By Bodo Ellmers 27 June, 2018 Eurozone finance ministers convened for a crucial Eurogroup session in Brussels...

Syriza and EU plan decades of austerity measures and privatizations

By Katerina Selin 28 June 2018 At a meeting of euro finance ministers on June 21, the EU states came to an agreement on the...

L’Eurogroupe maintient la Grèce sous le joug de la dette illégitime

Par Anouk Renaud 24 juin 2018 Ce vendredi 22 juin 2018, l’Eurogroupe (la réunion des ministres des finances de la zone euro et de la BCE),...

Greece: the so called debt reduction is a sleight of hand

by Eric Toussaint, Marie Brette 25 June 2018 Eric Toussaint interviewed by Marie Brette for TV5 Monde Eric Toussaint, what do you think of the agreement between...