Wednesday, 26 March , 2025

Greek Debt

Maria Negreponti Delivanis*:”Greece must convince the world that it has the...

By Maria Negreponti Delivanis TRIBUNE 25.04.2021 Economist The economist underlines to the “Monde” that the  explosion of the global debt because of the  pandemic,re-enforces the claim of...

A qui profite la dette ?

Jan. 21, 2019 Crise grecque. On nous parle d’une dette grecque insoutenable, impayable... mais au fait : à qui cette dette profite ? Qui sont les créanciers...

The Greek “bail-out” program: a colossal failure

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 05/29/2020 Second of three articles (Read part I here) A colossal failure If we judge the Greek program not on the basis of our own...

Sur la dette grecque et son remboursement par le contribuable

Par Michel Zerbato 17 février 2015 Reçu de Dominique Gérin le 9 février 2015 : « Une restructuration forte fera payer les contribuables des pays européens...

Pourquoi l’annulation de la dette allemande de 1953 n’est pas reproductible...

par Eric Toussaint Mar. 27, 2018 En 2019, la Banque mondiale (BM) et le FMI atteignent l’âge de 75 ans. Ces deux institutions financières internationales (IFI), créées...

Germany and the Banks destroy Greece (2010, 2015), now they want...

The article we are publishing below is the third in a series inspired by Costa Gavras' film Adults in the Room and the publication...

Goldman Sachs and Eurogroup 2015: Kafka in the Room!

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos March 17, 2020 In a previous article we argued that the Greek “bailout” program, the Loan Agreements and the “memorandum of understanding” imposed...

Eurogroup 2015: the birth of post-modern totalitarianism

By Dimitis Konstantakopoulos March 12, 2020 If there was a tribunal for crimes during peacetime similar to the Nuremberg Tribunal, one of the first cases to...

Greece: Drone soars over thousands of ‘NO’ protesters as referendum looms...

Ruptly’s drone captured thousands of people flooding Syntagma Square in Athens, Friday, in support of a ‘no’ vote in the upcoming bailout referendum. Greek...

Pourquoi l’annulation de la dette allemande de 1953 n’est pas reproductible...

8 avril par Eric Toussaint En 2019, la Banque mondiale (BM) et le FMI atteignent l’âge de 75 ans. Ces deux institutions financières internationales (IFI), créées en...