Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

Greek bail-out program

Grèce  : le procès Georgiou  ou l’affaire de la falsification des...

Par Constantin Kaïmakis 10 Juin 2018 Andréas Georgiou, président d’ELSTAT d’août 2010 à août 2015, voit confirmée sa condamnation à deux ans de prison avec sursis...

EU decisions on Greece: Postponing the final Execution, solidifying the Status...

Eurozone finance ministers agree on last-minute debt reprofiling for Greece By Bodo Ellmers 27 June, 2018 Eurozone finance ministers convened for a crucial Eurogroup session in Brussels...

The ECB as vulture fund: how central banks speculated against Greece...

16/10/2017 Responses from European Central Bank (ECB) President, Mario Draghi, and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, to questioning by Greek MEP...

Basic facts about the debt

19/05/2016 The first function of the European movement DIEM25, entitled “Basic Facts about the Debt”, was held in Aegina on Sunday 15th May in the...

Dijsselbloem Speaks: The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos During a debate in the Committee on Employment of the European Parliament, a Greek Eurodeputy asked the President of the Eurogroup (the...

La Troika tue les Grecs!

LA CRISE ÉCONOMIQUE RACCOURCIT L’ESPÉRANCE DE VIE DES GRECS   Un groupe de chercheurs a étudié l'espérance de vie en 2030 dans 35 pays à travers...

The Road to the Greek Hell is Paved with False EU...

By Leonidas Vatikiotis August 30, 2017 A new blatant intervention of the European Commission was triggered by the decision of the third Court of Appeal...

L’opération “Détruire les Grecs” Chapitre II: Chypre

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Global Research, 03 juillet 2017 Un coup d'État juridique et politique international se déroule de nos jours avec l'aide et la coopération de...

The “Destroy Greeks” operation: Chapter II (Cyprus)

An international legal and political coup d’état is taking place these days, with the help and co-operation of the European Commission, against yet another...

Hillary, Goldman Sachs and the Greek Disaster

By Peter Byrne Hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky had friends in high places when he bet big on a Greek economic recovery, but even the...