Tuesday, 4 March , 2025

Greek bail-out program

EU institutions are liable for Greek bailout damage, former UN official...

By Sarantis Michalopoulos Nov 20, 2018 The damage caused by austerity-driven bailouts in Greece could raise the issue of legal liability of the EU institutions and...

Des profits sur la Grèce

21 août 2018 par Eric Toussaint J’ai perdu beaucoup de plumes dans la crise de la dette depuis 2010. Ce qui ne m’empêchera pas de...

Genocide of the Greek Nation

By Paul Craig Roberts August 21, 201 The political and media coverup of the genocide of the Greek Nation began yesterday (August 20) with European Union...

The Greece Bailout’s Legacy of Immiseration | by James K. Galbraith

Note from the author: As friends have quickly pointed out, the situation is even worse than described here. Quarterly reviews by the troika will...

La politique de la Troïka en Grèce : Voler le peuple...

Par Eric Toussaint 20 août 2018 Le 20 août 2018, le gouvernement grec d’Alexis Tsipras, le FMI et les dirigeants européens célèbrent la fin du 3e...

Lost in hypocrisy: Greece’s lenders celebrate end of bailout programs

August 20, 2018 A historic day. The end of bailout program. The begin an new era. Lenders celebrate the “great news.”The Greek government cheers. Greece...

The legal aspects of the Greek Bail-Out Program. Regime Change in...

20-21 June, 2015 Giorgos Kasimatis, Greece Professor Emeritus, University of Athens Also read The Delphi Declaration on Greece and Europe – June 2015 The Delphi Forum, 20-21...

As Greece exits bailout, EU demands further austerity

By Robert Stevens 21 August 2018 At midnight Monday, Greece formally exited eight years of European Union/International Monetary Fund (IMF) austerity programmes. Since 2010, four Greek...

Grecia, tagli alla Protezione civile nel pacchetto austerità: così è arrivata...

Solo la scorsa primavera l’area della sorveglianza antincendio ha perso 34 milioni di euro tra personale e mezzi. Sempre meno pompieri e in condizioni...

The Greek Debt Crisis is Finally Over. Or Is It?

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos 04.07.2018 Greece still exists, albeit decapitated, without leaders, forces, or intellectuals to articulate its truth and its rights. And as it has proved,...