Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Greek Bail-Out

Lost in hypocrisy: Greece’s lenders celebrate end of bailout programs

August 20, 2018 A historic day. The end of bailout program. The begin an new era. Lenders celebrate the “great news.”The Greek government cheers. Greece...

The legal aspects of the Greek Bail-Out Program. Regime Change in...

20-21 June, 2015 Giorgos Kasimatis, Greece Professor Emeritus, University of Athens Also read The Delphi Declaration on Greece and Europe – June 2015 The Delphi Forum, 20-21...

Mikis Theodorakis blasts Tsipras’ Foreign Policy

by Dimitris Georgopoulos 12/6/2018 In an article, published in his personal website, Mikis Theodorakis, world known composer and a legendary symbol of the Greek and international...

Syriza and EU plan decades of austerity measures and privatizations

By Katerina Selin 28 June 2018 At a meeting of euro finance ministers on June 21, the EU states came to an agreement on the...

Massimo D’ Alema: How German, French and Italian Banks are exploiting...

Interview with Massimo D'Alema about Greek crisis, former Italian Prime Minister, former Italian Foreign Minister, former Secretary od Democratic Party, Europeanist. 01/07/2015

Mikis Theodorakis blasts Tsipras’ Foreign Policy

by Dimitris Georgopoulos In an article, published in his personal website, Mikis Theodorakis, world known composer and a legendary symbol of the Greek and international...

Poverty in Greece Gone Up 40% Since 2008

By Philip Chrysopoulos Mar 2, 2017 The poverty in Greece increased by 40% from 2008 to 2015, according to a Cologne Institute of Economic Research study...

La Grèce sous tutelle jusqu’au remboursement des prêts

par Marie-Laure Coulmin Koutsaftis 11 May, 2018 La fin annoncée du 3e mémorandum signé par Tsipras en août 2015 ne doit pas faire illusion : les conversations...

L’ombre menaçante du FMI sur la Grèce

À l’occasion des Rendez-vous de printemps FMI-Banque mondiale 2018 7 May, 2018 Grèce : Bien que le Fonds monétaire international (FMI) ne soit pas entré officiellement dans...

Greece: Perpetual Austerity

By  Leonidas Vatikiotis 26/04/2018 The current political debate in Greece is about the next day of the end of adjustment programs on August 2018, when the...