Sunday, 9 March , 2025


Greece – Disagreements among Colonial Powers

IMF to insist on ‘unsustainable debt’ and say banks need 10 bln euros The International Monetary Fund has again found that Greece’s debt is unsustainable...

Quand Varoufakis dévoile les coulisses de l’Europe

Par Isabelle Couet Published in Dans son dernier livre, l’ancien ministre des Finances grec lève le voile sur les coulisses européennes. Un témoignage décapant. En...

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and...

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and the upcoming War against Iran In an article entitled “No to the new Crime!”,...

Opération détruire les peuples …ici grec

Par Bruno Drewski A côté de l'opération détruire les Syriens, les Palestiniens, les Libanais, les Irakiens, les Yéménites, les Iraniens, les Ukrainiens, les Russes, les...

Excerpt from Yanis Varoufakis’ “Adults in the Room”, p.188

At the entrance I was met by an effusive Michel Sapin. A jovial man in his early sixties, Sapin was the only finance minister...

The Divisions of Cyprus, by Perry Anderson

Firsta published at 24 April 2008 By Perry Anderson Enlargement, widely regarded as the greatest single achievement of the European Union since the end of the...

Only debt relief will end the Greek crisis

As long as Athens remains under the thumb of its creditors, reforms will fail to take root. By Yiannis Mouzakis and Nick Malkoutzis   As Greece heads...

Killing a Republic – Kissinger and Cyprus

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos (*) First published: 6th January 2017 In July 1974 the US-controlled Athens military junta organized a coup d’état in Cyprus and an assassination...

Why Greece is Germany’s ‘de facto colony’

The debt relief Athens desperately wants is hostage to Berlin’s election politics. By Matthew Karnitschnig BERLIN — Poor Alexis Tsipras. For days, the Greek...

Greeks Unable to Pay Taxes, State Debtor Numbers Continue to Rise

It is estimated that this year 3.94 million taxpayers owe the state money in tax payments amounting to some 94.7 billion euros. This means that...