Wednesday, 26 February , 2025


Greek protests about Macedonia are complicating US-NATO plans for war with...

For the BBC (16.00 London time) a revolt in Greece directly threatening the expansion of NATO was not among top stories. It preferred to speak...

The Greek word that can’t be translated

‘Love of honour’, its official translation, is a utilitarian yet insufficient attempt to convey the constellation of virtues squeezed into the word’s four syllables. By...

The ECB as vulture fund: how central banks speculated against Greece...

16/10/2017 Responses from European Central Bank (ECB) President, Mario Draghi, and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Pierre Moscovici, to questioning by Greek MEP...

Résoudre la crise grecque en y passant ses vacances? Une idée...

Et si l’on offrait à la Grèce un «plan Marshall» dont le moteur serait le tourisme? Une idée développée par Francis Kahn, CEO de...

Trump, Syriza & Brexit prove voting is only small part of...

By Neil Clark 1 Oct, 2017 If voting changed anything, they’d abolish it. That might sound a bit glib but consider these recent events. In January 2015,...

Erdogan urged attack on Turkish Cypriot newspaper

By Associated Press January 22, 2018 NICOSIA, Cyprus — The editor-in-chief of a left-wing Turkish Cypriot newspaper alleged that Turkey’s president incited supporters to attack...

German Imperialism as a tool of the “Kingdom of Money”

Germany’s dystopian plans for Europe: from fantasy to reality? By Thomas Fazi 4 December 2017 For Germany, the idea of Europeanism has provided the country’s elites...

Workers fired after they refused to return the Christmas Bonus to...

January 5, 2018 Some employers made their threats come true: they fired employees who refused to return the Christmas bonus. This unprecedented case occurred in...

Destroying Greeks, Plundering Greece. The Latest Update | By Leonidas Vatikiotis

Industrialists-Creditors order, SYRIZA-ANEL Vote and the People Pay the New Bill A catastrophic multi-bill that brutally affects the interests of workers, consumers and the...

Austerity: Public Hospital halts chemotherapy, turns away cancer patients because “budget...

March 24, 2017 The public hospital in Volos has reportedly stopped providing chemotherapy to cancer patients and sends them away because the monthly budget has...