Tuesday, 25 February , 2025


L’ indispensable construction d’ une 5eme Internationale des travailleurs et de...

28/07/2017 1 Le système en place depuis une trentaine d’années est caractérisé par l’extrême centralisation du pouvoir dans toutes ses dimensions, locales et internationales, économiques, politiques...

It is imperative to construct a 5th International of workers and...

World acclaimed Marxist thinker Samir Amin dies 28/07/2017 1 For the last thirty years the world system has undergone an extreme centralization of power in all its...

Germany has already destroyed Greece. Now it wants to send to...

Germany’s Seehofer pushes migrant take-back deal with Italy, Greece Aug 6, 2018 German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer on Sunday (5 August) said he hoped for...

Palestine : Appel commun des partis communistes et ouvriers, à l’initiative...

2 août 2018 Le Parti du peuple palestinien a appelé les partis communistes et ouvriers le souhaitant à signer la déclaration commune traduite ci-dessous. Dans...

Climate Scientist: California Wildfires Are Faster, Stronger, Deadlier & Will Continue...

August 02, 2018 In California, tens of thousands of residents have been forced to evacuate as deadly wildfires continue to rage across the state. The...

Strait ahead: how Beijing is planning world’s longest rail tunnel to...

By Stephen Chen 06 August, 2018 Scientists agree on blueprint for what would be the world’s longest rail tunnel but politics means it is likely to...

The average American worker takes less vacation time than a medieval...

By Lynn Parramore Nov. 7, 2016 Life for the medieval peasant was certainly no picnic. His life was shadowed by fear of famine, disease and bursts...

California’s burning: The social and political background of the deadly infernos

1 August 2018 For the second year in a row, the US state of California is the scene of death and destruction, as wildfires surge...

Palestinian People’s Party, Appeal for Joint Statement

7/29/18 The Communist and Worker Parties decisively condemn the crimes committed by Israeli army against Palestinian people in the occupied territories, especially in the Gaza...

Grecia, tagli alla Protezione civile nel pacchetto austerità: così è arrivata...

Solo la scorsa primavera l’area della sorveglianza antincendio ha perso 34 milioni di euro tra personale e mezzi. Sempre meno pompieri e in condizioni...