Monday, 24 February , 2025


Tsipras and SYRIZA: Obedient tools of US-Israeli policy

Reneging on vows to end a US military presence and take Greece out of NATO, Prime Minister and Radical Left SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras...

Agnès Varda (1928-2019), révolutionnaire dans les arts comme dans la vie

Par Manon Boltansky 3 avril 2019 Agnès Varda s’est éteinte le 28 mars à l’âge de 90 ans. Elle avait, parmi ses nombreuses qualités, celle d’avoir touché...

Agnès Varda’s Films Made the Invisible Visible

In Faces Places and The Gleaners and I, the director trained her camera on people and issues not frequently seen on-screen By Rachel Donadio Mar 30,...

Erdogan’s Cultural Wars

What caused Erdogan’s change of heart on Hagia Sophia? March 29, 2019 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s recent remarks that Hagia Sophia, a famed Istanbul landmark,...

Music was ubiquitous in Ancient Greece. Now we can hear how...

Much of what we think of as Ancient Greek poetry, including Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, was composed to be sung, frequently with the accompaniment...


Dimanche (17/3) soir, cinq enfants afghans ont été attaqués par des hommes cagoulés dans une ONG- deux d'entre eux ont été transférés au centre...

Reversing traditional Greek foreign policy, Tsipras allies with Israel!

After trilateral summit, leaders agree to defend against 'malign influences' in region March 20, 2019 In a joint statement in Jerusalem on Wednesday, the leaders of...

The Tsipras’ miracles: US and Israel controlling Greek “Left”!!!

Tsipras’ Love Affair With Netanyahu’s Israel Deserves an Explanation ByC.J. Polychroniou Jan 30, 2016 Only a few months before it’s rise to power, Tsipras’ Syriza party was attacking...

One in Four Greeks Cannot Afford to Heat Their Home

By Tasos Kokkinidis Feb 1, 2019 One in four Greeks say that they cannot afford to heat their homes, according to data released on Thursday by...