Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Xi Jinping makes fresh promises to open China’s economy and boost...

5 November, 2018 Chinese President Xi Jinping made fresh promises on Monday to open China’s economy to the outside world, including lowering import tariffs and...

Les vraies raisons du dépeçage d’Alstom, par Leslie Varenne

10 Octobre, 2017 Lors d’une conférence, Christian Harbulot, patron de l’École de Guerre Économique a évoqué le cas Alstom, et le rachat de sa branche...

Bannon: Trump Willing to Make Trade War ‘Unbearably Painful’ for China

21.09.2018 As Chinese-US trade relations deteriorate, former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon said this week that those economic ties may get worse before they...

Financial Globalization: Should China move in?

By Samir Amin May 2018 The financial facets of globalization Globalization has three facets which consist of : (i) free global trade, (ii) free international capital...

Beijing cancels trade talks with Washington after US sanctions China for...

By Nick Beams 22 September 2018 In a significant escalation of global tensions, the US has imposed sanctions on a Chinese military unit and its...

Samir Amin at 80: An Introduction and Tribute

By John Bellamy Foster Oct 01, 2011 Samir Amin was born in Cairo in 1931, and studied within the French educational system in Egypt (Lycée Français...

The global implications of the Turkish lira crisis

16 August 2018 As the tenth anniversary of the onset of the 2008 global financial crisis approaches, the ongoing turmoil engulfing the Turkish lira sounds...

L’ indispensable construction d’ une 5eme Internationale des travailleurs et de...

28/07/2017 1 Le système en place depuis une trentaine d’années est caractérisé par l’extrême centralisation du pouvoir dans toutes ses dimensions, locales et internationales, économiques, politiques...

Samir Amin (May 2018) – Financial Globalization: Should China move in?

World acclaimed Marxist thinker Samir Amin dies The financial facets of globalization Globalization has three facets which consist of : (i) free global trade, (ii) free...

It is imperative to construct a 5th International of workers and...

World acclaimed Marxist thinker Samir Amin dies 28/07/2017 1 For the last thirty years the world system has undergone an extreme centralization of power in all its...