The British people who voted in the EU Referendum were armed with only a fraction of the truth they needed to cast their votes. Had they known the full and completely provable truth, then the Brexit vote would have been overwhelming and the unfortunate schisms opening up in our country today would not now be occurring.
La défense de la souveraineté nationale, comme sa critique, donne lieu à de graves malentendus dès lors qu’on la détache du contenu social de classe de la stratégie dans laquelle elle s’inscrit. Le bloc social dirigeant dans les sociétés capitalistes conçoit toujours la souveraineté comme un instrument nécessaire pour la promotion de ses propres intérêt
Journal of Economic Peispectives—Volume 14, Number 1—Winter 2000—Pages 177-186
Dani Rodrik
In a famous passage from The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Keynes (1920) I drew...
The Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate has published a draft of the document "Economy in the context of globalization. Orthodox ethical view....
Aux antipodes des valeurs de l’olympisme, le sport-business est devenu une industrie très lucrative. Produit et reflet de la mondialisation, il lui imprime ses...
by Roberto Quaglia
States struggling against imperialism are probably not sufficiently aware of the importance of having non-aligned media. Yet, obviously, Russia Today, Press TV,...