En écho aux mobilisations unitaires des Gilets jaunes, du mouvement social et des quartiers populaires, cette pétition, à l'initiative d'une centaine d'intellectuel.le.s et de...
Le marquage chimique constitue-t-il la nouvelle arme absolue pour assurer la protection des biens pendant les manifestations et identifier les fauteurs de troubles ?
Yellow Vest Protests Prompt France to Ban Some Demonstrations
By Elian Peltier
March 18, 2019
PARIS — French officials said on Tuesday that they would ban potentially...
Yellow vest protests: Paris police sacked, rally bans planned
18 March 2019
The French government will replace the Paris police chief and ban rallies in some...
Translated from The Revolution and its meaning (Dec. 11, 2018)
Dimitris Konstantakopoulos*
Fransa yarım asırdır şahit olmadığı bir biçimde yeni bir devrimin eşiğindeyken Emmanuel Macron asgari ücreti...
Mar. 14, 2019
Activists dressed as bees vandalised Bayer’s Paris headquarters on Thursday, during a protest against the corporation’s environmental impact and use of pesticides.
«Marche du siècle» pour le climat: gilets jaunes et militants écologistes défilent côte à côte à Paris
Par Manuel Jardinaud et Mathilde Goanec
Lutte contre l’injustice...
16 Mar, 2019
Clashes between Yellow Vest demonstrators and police broke out as rallies intensified on the 18th consecutive weekend of protests. President Emmanuel Macron’s...