His controversial poem about Israel may have lacked elegance, but it was also a dire warning about war with Iran
By Frank Browning
Apr 14, 2012
October 21, 2023
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg on Friday called for solidarity with the Palestinians, which sparked harsh reactions from some German officials.
Thunberg conveyed...
Germany saw demonstrations in support of civilians trapped in Gaza Saturday amid heavy police presence. Authorities say the events drew more participants than expected...
The German state is cynically instrumentalising the anger at the atrocities in Gaza to fan Islamophobia and incite against the left.
21 October 2023
Since the...
By William Mallinson
Athens, 18 September 2023
Some of the main causes of the West’s current institutional instability can be detected in how individuals behave, which...
Aug 29, 2023
Eric Denécé – docteur en science politique, directeur du Centre Français de Recherche sur le Renseignement (CF2R), estime que la cause profonde...