Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Samir Amin: How to Defeat the Collective Imperialism of the Triad

I can sum my point of view on the situation over the modern economy in the following way. We have been in a long systemic crisis of capitalism, which has started in 1975 with the end of the convertibility of the Dollar in gold. It is not a like the famous financial crisis in 2008. No, it is a long systematic crisis of monopoly capitalism which started forty years ago and it

The Whole Game is About Containing Russia-China

The next BRICS summit, in Goa, is less than two months away. Compared to only two years ago, the geopolitical tectonic plates have moved with astonishing speed. Most BRICS nations are mired in deep crisis; Brazil’s endless political/economic/institutional debacle may yield the Kafkaesque impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff.

China’s Pivot to World Markets, Washington’s Pivot to World Wars, and...

China and the United States are moving in polar opposite directions: Beijing is rapidly becoming the center of overseas investments in high tech industries, including robotics, nuclear energy and advanced machinery with collaboration from centers of technological excellence, like Germany.

TTIP Dead: Massive US-EU Trade Deal Falls Apart Says German Vice-Chancellor

Free trade negotiations between the European Union and the United States have fallen apart in recent weeks with Europe reticent to open its agricultural industry to low-cost American “frankenfruits” in addition to concerns over the depletion of labor standards and worries that an unelected cabal will be able to dictate policy over the sovereign objections of participating

Zweiter Weltkrieg: Wie Griechenland von Deutschland 269 Milliarden Euro einklagen könnte

Die zuletzt abgeflaute Debatte um griechische NS-Reparationsforderungen über 278,7 Milliarden Euro an Deutschland wird neu angefacht. Nach zweieinhalb Jahren Arbeit hat ein griechischer Parlamentsausschuss nun einen Bericht vorgelegt, der den Anspruch auf Milliardenzahlungen untermauert.

President Obama considers dissolving the CIA and NSA – they knew...

German parliamentarians prepare to ask also for sanctions against USA, Britain and France. According to those parliamentarians, by implementing the Chaos Strategy in the Middle East, in order to “promote democracy”, as they kept saying, Washington, London and Paris are directly responsible for the refugee crisis, the terror attacks and the whole instability which landed now in Turkey.

We Love to Talk of Terror

The frightful and bloody hours of Friday night and Saturday morning in Munich and Kabul – despite the 3,000 miles that separate the two cities – provided a highly instructive lesson in the semantics of horror and hypocrisy. I despair of that generic old hate-word, “terror”. It long ago became the punctuation mark and signature tune of every facile politician, policeman, journalist and think tank crank in the world.

An Eloquent Silence: The West does not respond to Turkish accusations

Something very strange is happening. The great majority of the mainstream western media are “under-reporting” the quite monumental events affecting one of the most important NATO allies. In the same time more and more accusations and more concrete ones are coming out of Turkey about the West supporting the failed coup! Still western media and capitals behave like it is just normal for leaders and officials of a NATO country to accuse the United States of supporting a coup in their country!

Imagining threats or overblowing existing ones is an Avenue to War

For 17 months, since the Minsk Agreements were signed in February 2015 to try to bring peace to the eastern Ukraine the Kiev regime, and its neo-Nazi and NATO allies, have been preparing for a new offensive against the east Ukraine republics. On July 22nd the Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin stated in a letter to the UN Security Council that “a relapse of large-scale military operations in eastern Ukraine may bury the process of peace settlement there.”

False Flags in Massproduction

Another false flag in Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany. A young man attacks four passengers in a train and later a passerby in the street. The scenes repeat themselves now in rapid cadence. Paris, Brussels, Nice, Bangladesh… Same patterns, same motives – and same group of terrorists claiming credit. The lies and propaganda are becoming more flagrant, and, We, the People, just swallow it.