Saturday, 1 March , 2025

German Foreign Policy

Ukraine war: Angela Merkel defends her record on Putin

By Patrick Jackson Jun 8, 2022 Former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended her record on handling Vladimir Putin in her first major interview since leaving...

Any missile launch may be perceived as nuclear strike amid tensions

"Hardly anyone, except specialists, comes to realize that modern systems spot launches of missiles quite quickly but cannot identify whether these missiles carry nuclear...

A brave German

German navy chief Schönbach resigns over comments on Putin, Crimea Vice Admiral Kay-Achim Schönbach stepped down as the head of the German navy after publicly...

Germany Blocks NATO Ally From Transferring Weapons to Ukraine

Refusal to permit Estonia to transfer artillery that originated in Germany points to strains in Western alliance over Ukraine By Michael R. Gordon Jan. 21,...

Berlin forces EU satellite operator to take RT’s German TV broadcast...

22 Dec, 2021 European satellite operator Eutelsat has removed the 24-hour German-language RT DE channel from its platform under pressure from Berlin. RT has called...

German dangerous stupidity!

German minister: Putin should not go shopping on Champs Elysée By Julia Dahm Dec 20, 2021 Harsher sanctions should be imposed on Russian President Vladimir Putin for...

More weapons and fewer pastors: Germany’s new coalition has plans for...

The SDP-Green-FDP coalition plans to increase arms and surveillance tech purchases from Israeli firms, and has described Israel's security as a 'reason of state' By...

The Business Foundation of German Industry (II)

The geostrategic competition between the USA and China could lead to a decoupling of German companies from the Chinese or the US market, a...

Quel «siècle américain»?

Par Danielle Riva Sep. 2021 « Comme je l’ai dit dans mon discours inaugural, nous allons réparer nos alliances et nous engager à nouveau avec le monde,...

Merkel and Macron Reportedly Want to Invite Putin to Summit of...

by Ilya Tsukanov Jun 23, 2021 The Russian president held his first face-to-face talks with Joe Biden in the latter's capacity as president last week, with...