Sunday, 23 February , 2025


Grèce  : le procès Georgiou  ou l’affaire de la falsification des...

Par Constantin Kaïmakis 10 Juin 2018 Andréas Georgiou, président d’ELSTAT d’août 2010 à août 2015, voit confirmée sa condamnation à deux ans de prison avec sursis...

The Trials of Andreas Georgiou and the Fraud That Drove Greece...

This furious effort of all Georgiou’s supporters to prevent his case from being brought to trial reveals their panic as well as their guilt,...

EU backs Greek ex-data chief over criminal charges

The Greek government must guarantee the independence of its statistics office, the European Commission has said, weeks after criminal charges were brought against a former data chief. The EU executive said failing to protect the statistics office could be "dangerous" for the Greek bailout programme.