Saturday, 22 February , 2025

Geneva International Conference on Cyprus

Mikis Theodorakis on the Geneva Conference (2017)

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and the upcoming War against Iran July 7, 2017 In an article entitled “No to the...

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and...

No to the new Crime! Mikis Theodorakis on Cyprus, Russia and the upcoming War against Iran In an article entitled “No to the new Crime!”,...

L’opération “Détruire les Grecs” Chapitre II: Chypre

Par Dimitris Konstantakopoulos Global Research, 03 juillet 2017 Un coup d'État juridique et politique international se déroule de nos jours avec l'aide et la coopération de...

The “Destroy Greeks” operation: Chapter II (Cyprus)

An international legal and political coup d’état is taking place these days, with the help and co-operation of the European Commission, against yet another...