Friday, 18 October , 2024


Arabs Call to Struggle

PFLP: Our struggle – not Trump – will decide the fate of Jerusalem The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine described the declaration of...

Israel Threatens with Wider War in the Middle East

Israel responds to defeat of Islamist rebels in Syria with threat of wider regional war By Jean Shaoul 25 November 2017 Israel’s Defence Minister Avigdor...

Lebanon’s Army Chief Urges ‘Full Readiness’ on Israeli Border, Citing ‘Enemy’s...

The head of Lebanon's army says troops ready to 'preserve stability' against Israeli 'violations'; Israeli official calls threat 'nonsense' Lebanon's army chief urged "full readiness"...

HAMAS & Al-Fatah Reach Reconciliation Agreement in Egypt

Palestine: Al Fatah & Hamas gather tomorrow to discuss security at the Gaza Strip Source: Resumen Medio Oriente (with information from Europa Press, Palestina Libre,...

‘We Prevented Israel From Going to War’: Outgoing Air Force Chief...

Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel tells Haaretz about preparing for an attack on Iran, carrying out scores of airstrikes on Hezbollah and averting clashes with...

Abbas: I Met Trump’s Envoys 20 Times and Still Don’t Understand...

Palestinian president tells Israeli lawmakers 'there's chaos in the administration,' says envoys expressed support for two-state solution and oppose settlements but won't say so...

Israel and the Nazis

3 days later, Israeli leaders still conspicuously silent on Charlottesville By Raphael Ahren rime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu does not only comment on Israeli politics and...

Enclosure of Gaza as a “Prison Territory”: Construction of New High...

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Published in Israeli media reports confirm the construction of a new high tech 65 km security and surveillance wall equipped with cameras and sensors “to separate...

Britain’s Jews want to see May in June, but will Corbyn...

A Labour victory  would be an upset akin to Trump’s election last November. Nonetheless, polls indicate the Brexit-rocked nation could surprise When Theresa May triggered...

Towards a new War in the Middle East?

  United States, Israel and their Arab allies discuss forming anti-Iran alliance  Arab countries would have NATO-style mutual defense pact The Trump administration is in talks with Arab...