Monday, 24 February , 2025

French Foreign Policy

“J’ai découvert un carnage” : un témoin d’un bombardement français au...

Cet homme était à Bounti, dans le centre du Mali, où l'armée française a mené un bombardement, le 3 janvier. Il raconte que ces frappes n’ont visé...

Iran: Netanyahu vs. Biden

2015 nuke deal negotiator Malley named as Biden’s envoy on Iran; hawks cry foul Appointment comes amid criticism from some who consider him soft on...

Yogi Adityanath, le moine-ministre qui effraie l’Inde progressiste

January 25, 2021 Il y a quelques semaines, plusieurs observateurs s’étonnaient de la manière dont s’est déroulée la visite d’Emmanuel Lenain, ambassadeur français à New...

The Breakaway | By Perry Anderson

21 January 2021 It is​ now a year since Britain left the EU, and less than a month since the terms of its separation were...

Mais pourquoi donc traite-t-on la Russie comme un pays ennemi?

Par Jean Lévy 28 Jan 2021 Qui lit, écoute ou regarde les médias français, doit se poser la question : pourquoi les forces politiques dominantes tirent-elles...

Is France a satellite of Israel?

France says Iran is building nuclear weapon capacity, urgent to revive agreement 17/01/2021 Iran is in the process of building up its nuclear weapons capacity and...

Middle East: Again on the brink. Israel and “intra-imperialist” games

By Dimitris Konstantakopoulos January 2nd, 2020 "To understand the situation, figure out that now, in Washington, the main obstacle to war is a man called Mad...


Le mouvement  « Yèrèwolo, debout sur les remparts », composé de plusieurs regroupements et personnalités, annonce un grand rassemblement pour dénoncer la politique française...

France. The Inaccessible Archives of the Algerian War

The French law dated 7 Thermidor Year II (25 July 1794) stipulates that every citizen should be able to be informed of whatever had been done in...

European Parliament: Turkey must immediately end illegal drilling activities and infringing...

MEPs condemn Turkey’s activities in Varosha, Cyprus, and call for sanctions Nov. 26,2020 Turkey’s decision to “open” the sealed-off suburb of Varosha undermines prospects of...