Sunday, 23 February , 2025

French Foreign Policy

Macron with Neocon-Netanyahu provocation against Russia-Syria

Macron condemns Syria chemical attacks in call with Trump Denunciation of Assad regime comes a day ahead of French-led emergency UN Security Council meeting on...

Pour la dénonciation par la France du traité de l’Atlantique Nord...

30 mars 2018 par Comité Valmy Le 21 mai 2015 à l’Assemblée Nationale, lors du colloque intitulé « La France peut-elle retrouver une diplomatie indépendante », un ancien...

Who Governs the World? Western Leaders under Neocon Pressure to launch...

French ruling elite brays for war in Syria amid US-UK threats against Russia By Alex Lantier 15 March 2018 As British Prime Minister Theresa May...

Le Meilleur des Mondes, revue des néoconservateurs français (2006-2008)

Le Meilleur des Mondes était une revue d’opinion trimestrielle, abordant l’actualité de la politique internationale vue par les néoconservateurs français. Créée en 2006 par...

« Amalgame entre antisionisme et antisémitisme, la faute grave de Macron...

Par Dominique Vidal Journaliste et historien, auteur de nombreux ouvrages consacrés au Proche-Orient, Dominique Vidal s’élève, contre les accusations d’antisémitisme qui frappent tous les critiques...

Imperial Divisions: France finds its voice again opposing US-Israel drive to...

U.S., Israel and Saudi Arabia Leading World to War With Iran, France Says By Tom O'Connor French President Emmanuel Macron has accused the U.S., Israel...

Macron for Israel

'Young & inexperienced': Iran's Revolutionary Guards slam Macron over missile program remarks The chief of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard Corps has slammed French President Emmanuel...

The Results of NATO’s Intervention in Libya: Selling People in the...

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- "Eight hundred," says the auctioneer. "900 ... 1,000 ... 1,100 ..." Sold. For 1,200 Libyan dinars -- the equivalent of...

Libya – destroyed by France and NATO. Demonstration against slavery

French police use tear gas to disperse protest against slave auctions in Libya 19 Nov, 2017  Hundreds of activists flocked to the Libyan Embassy in Paris...

Sarkozy And The Revived Neocon War Agenda

By Stephen Sniegoski 3-26-11 French President Nicolas Sarkozy not only took the lead in bringing about the military attack on Libya but now has stated that...