Sunday, 23 February , 2025

French Foreign Policy

Alerte à l’escalade vers la guerre

par Jean – Luc Mélenchon 3 janvier 2020 L’assassinat du général iranien Soleimani engage une escalade irresponsable. Car la réplique viendra inéluctablement. Quand et jusqu’où...

Intervention turque en Libye : “Il y a de quoi être...

Par Wahoub Fayoumi 06 janvier 2020 A la suite de l’accord militaire conclu entre Ankara et le gouvernement d’Union nationale libyen (GNA) basé à Tripoli,...

The Crisis in Mediterranean

Libya’s War Escalates as the Stakes Get Higher The LNA’s decision to target the az Zawiya Oil installation may be seen as a proxy blow...

War danger around Libya

Turkish parliament to vote on sending troops to Libya 26/12/2019 President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his government will submit a bill to allow for the...

Ambassadors’ conference – Speech by M. Emmanuel Macron, President of the...

Paris, 27 August 2019 Presidents, Prime Minister, Ministers, Members of Parliament, Ambassadors, Ladies and gentlemen, Dear friends, I was very hesitant to come and address you today. Nevertheless, I wanted to honour...

Réchauffement, enfin ? (éditorial paru dans l’édition du 18 septembre)

2 Octobre 2019 Leurre sans avenir ? Ou premiers signes prometteurs ? Depuis quelques semaines, le ton de l’Elysée à l’égard de Moscou a changé. Ce fut...

Document: The conversation Trump – Zelenskyy

The President: Congratulations on a great victory. We all watched from the United States and you did a terrific job. The way you came...

Chirac opposing war whit Iran. They said he did not know...

Nuclear-armed Iran would not be very dangerous, says Chirac 2 Feb 2007 Jacques Chirac yesterday sparked a diplomatic controversy after saying that a nuclear-armed...

Crise en Iran: selon Dominique de Villepin, “il est temps de...

25/06/2019 Invité de notre antenne, l'ancien ministre des Affaires étrangères a appelé Emmanuel Macron à "hausser le ton" face à son homologue américain, engagé dans...

Is Europe coming around to Putin’s Munich warning, or is this...

By Nebojsa Malic 21 Aug, 2019 Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to France is being hailed as a revolutionary turn in the European Union’s policy toward...